The government of the Province of Córdoba through its export promotion agencies ProCórdoba and Córdoba Turismo (ACT), in cooperation with Grupo de Turismo Idiomático de Córdoba (GTIcba)1 is launching an initiative with the goal of expanding relationships between educational institutions in the United States of America and Córdoba, Argentina. [02/06/2018]
The triennial strategic plan (2017-2020) is aimed at supporting plans for educational and institutional quality improvement of UNC central administration, faculties and high-schools, and was authorized in the last session by the UNC Board of Regents. The funds will be equally distributed among the different divisions to support the projects that each of them had submitted until September 10th. [29.08.2017]
Representatives of American universities visited the National University of Córdoba within the framework of an initiative launched by the Government of the Province of Córdoba. [16/08/2017]
The tool is called SARTiv. It is used to prevent and monitor vegetation fires using satellite images. It anticipates risk areas, identifies fire events during its development and, subsequently, calculates burned areas. The tool was created by researchers from the Mario Gulich Institute for Higher Space Studies, which is dependent of the UNC and the CONAE. Between 2001 and 2016, more than 10,000 fires in natural areas have been registered in Córdoba. [17.08.2017]
The Government of the Córdoba Province through its export promotion agencies ProCórdoba and Córdoba Turismo (ACT), in cooperation with Grupo de Turismo Idiomático de Córdoba (GTIcba) is launching an initiative with the goal of expanding relationships between educational institutions in the United States of America and Córdoba, Argentina. [16/12/2016]