Through the signing of an act, UNC adhered to the in force framework agreement between the National Inter-university Council (CIN) and Credicoop Bank with the objective of boosting service transfer to small companies and to Social Economy entities. (16.12.2021)
The session called: “Extensiòn es Acción” (Outreach is Action), a gathering conformed by agents who work in different municipalities and institutions developing outreach and binding UNC activities, projects and programs, was carried out. During this session, a book and a documentary on the Folks’ Universities Program was presented. (10.12.2021).
Last Thursday, Rector Hugo Juri signed an agreement with the Director of the Farming Technical Institute, Mr. Walter Andreolase. The objective of such agreement is to jointly certify courses and to promote employability and self-employment in the Marcos Juarez Department area. ( 09.12.2021)
A ceremony took place to commemorate 10 years since the opening of the Faculty of Arts. Members of the community of this academic unit and UNC authorities participated in the event. ( 1.12.2021)
UNC signed a cooperation agreement with the Family Economy and Employment Promotion Ministry so as to promote training courses for professionals that participate in the PIP Programme. Beneficiaries will be receiving discounts and bonuses. (11.11.2021)