Through a Rectorate Resolution, UNC determined the suspension of academic and administrative in-person activities from May 22 to May 30 in all its premises. Both academic and administrative activities will take place online. This measure does not include essential activities. (05.21.2021)
From June 8 1o June 10, the Third Journalism and Communication Biennial will take place. This will be a meeting and debating space organized by the UNC Faculty of Communication Sciences. In this edition, activities will be performed online and the topic will be: “ And now, what? Urgent Communication Agendas” (05.28.2021)
The UNC Temporary Drama Cast will be performing again the show called “ What can we do with Ubú?”. This piece was selected as a result of an open call held in 2019. The second show will take place on Saturday, May 15 at 8 pm at the Ciudad de las Artes Theater. Admission is free. Limited seats. (05.11.2021)
This audiovisual literacy workshop is directed to children, parents and teachers. It incorporates playful activities guided with everyday objects. This workshop is free and students can progress at their own pace. (05.11.2021)
As of May 17, projects within the Great Equipment Acquisition Program (PAGE) framework can be submitted. In 2021, projects directed to the purchase of instruments whose cost is between 20 and 30 million pesos can be presented. (05.10.2021)