The talk will be given on Thursday ,September 16 at 4 pm in which Luciano Fabbri will be discussing:“ Defying Masculinity.Challenges and oportunities in feminist times”.This meeting is part of the UNC Micaela Law Cycle of Conferences and it will be broadcast through the UNC YouTube Channel. (09.13.2021)
The Office of Community Outreach is calling students who would like to participate in the “Studies Champion Team” project.This initiative is directed to strengthening the bonds between UNC and the territory. The objective is to offer in person school tuition to girls and boys in the city of Córdoba.This project provides credit for the Students’ Social Compromise Plan. (09.10.2021)
UNC is organizing a new event with the intention of linking researchers with the productive sector. This event will be held on September 16 from 10 am to 1.30 pm at the School of Graduates of the Economic Sciences Faculty. (09.10.2021)
“What does the future need from us?”This is the slogan under which both,the UNC´s Management Innovation Office and the Office of Students Affair (SAE),are organizing this important event which,for the first time,is centered on the exclusive participation of all UNC´s community. Activities shall take place by the end of August and broadcast live by Channel 10.(07.22.2021)
From October 11 to October 15, graduates who have selected the regular postage option to cast their vote will be able to do so. This service will be free. (08.25.2021)