UNC innovation and entrepreneurship projects selected for funding
UNC innovation and entrepreneurship projects selected for funding

UNC innovation and entrepreneurship development projects were selected for funding in the framework of Córdoba Vincula Program. The offices at UNC that host these projects are the Under-Secretary of Technological Innovation, Transference and Liaison; the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and the Center of Applied Chemistry (Cequimap, in Spanish), dependent on the Faculty of Chemical Sciences. [03.01.2018]
15 innovation and entrepreneurship promotion projects were selected from different Cordobese institutions in the framework of Córdoba Vincula, a project of The Province of Córdoba´s Innovar y Emprender Agency.. Through this program, the knowledge, the private and the public sectors work together with the aim of transferring knowledge to the productive sphere, increasing competitiveness and innovation.
“We are here to fulfil one of the roles of our University: to bind together with the productive sector, and on a more general level, with society”, said UNC Rector, Hugo Juri at the projects selection event event. He specified that the direct beneficiaries are students and graduates and emphasized the role of higher education institutions as shapers of innovative and enterprising young people.
One of the UNC projects selected was from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Its dean, Marcelo Conrero, anticipated that the idea is to make a hackathon or an event organized with the aim of stimulating the enterprising spirit of young people and researchers. “In some cases, some specific problems to be solved will be suggested and in others, open proposals about agricultural and agro-industrial innovation will be received,” he said.
Translation: Brenda Schauvinhold