Córdoba Legislature declared 2018 “Centennial of the University Reform Year”
Córdoba Legislature declared 2018 “Centennial of the University Reform Year”

The Province of Córdoba´s Legislature passed yesterday a law that demands that all the Province´s official documents have the header “2018- Centennial of the University Reform Year” and requires the provincial Ministry of Education the execution of commemorative activities about the 1918 students´ achievement. [03.01.2018]
During the session, UNC Vice Rector, Ramón Pedro Yanzi Ferreira; UNC Provost, Roberto Terzariol; and UNC Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Jhon Boretto were present. Vice Rector Yanzi Ferreira expressed his gratitude to the Province of Córdoba Legislature´s members for the homage paid to the 1918 Reform and praised the importance of commemorating this event that is a milestone in Cordobese society´s history.
“Celebrating the 1918 Centennial of the University Reform is possible because we have a University that is public, tuition-free, secular and for everybody. The Reform´s Preliminar Manifesto speaks about “the people to which the Reforms belongs” and of an academic formation that aims at society. For this reason we thank this homage and feel proud of belonging to this institution,” said Yanzi Ferreira.
The legislators exposed different arguments to pass the law that establishes 2018 as the “Reform Centennial Year.” One of them that stood out: “to guarantee a symbol that reminds us of the democratization of the curricular content in Argentina´s universities and academic freedom, among other achievements that modified our education forever.”
The National Government joins the 100 years celebration of the student movement that laid in 1918 the main foundations for the current National University System. All national official documents will as well have the header “2018- Centennial of the University Reform Year”
These University Reform activities are added to others that the Ministry of Education has been carrying out through the Secretary of University Policies since last year. They aim at designing, together with university institutions and their academic and students community, proposals that recall and analize the changes achieved in that moment. In this regard, these initiatives also invite us to reflect on the public university´s role in the 21st century.
Translation: Brenda Schauvinhold