Extracurricular activities


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The extracurricular activities proposed by PECLA have the objective of integrating international students into Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, the city of Córdoba and its customs. This way, students will be able to have a more enriching and complete experience.


  1. Walking City Tour around the university campus and Córdoba’s main streets that connect the campus with the city’s main square “Plaza San Martin”. The most important buildings of the city are also included in the tour.
  2. Guided tours within the framework of the courses to support the development of class contents. E.g.: tours to the “Manzana Jesuítica” and trips to the historic Jesuitic Estancias of Córdoba. Also, a trip to Mendoza and the Wine Route, museums and parks of the city, among others.
  3. University lunch-room: obtaining and correct use of the international student ID to have access to the regular, vegetarian or suitable for celiac menu.
  4. Sports: different sports are offered within UNC and students are able to participate under certain conditions.
  5. Speaking partners: the main objective is to accompany PECLA international students during their stay in Córdoba and at UNC. Speaking Partners is a group made up of students from the different faculties within UNC who intend to guide international students to the local culture and the practice of Spanish in use.
Extracurricular activities | Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


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